_"He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat? The man said, “The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.”(Genesis 3:11-12)_

_*Today in the first reading we are presented with the story of the aftermath of the fall of man. God came to meet man and man was not where he was supposed to be. He was ashamed and in hiding because he was naked. Sin makes us to become naked before God and ashamed.*_

_The consequences of the disobedience of Adam and Eve came to them today. They lost their relationship with God, they started dying, suffering and pain also came upon them. Every sin we commit has a corresponding consequence(s) that goes with it, therefore, when you sin, you must be ready to accept what comes with it._

_*We must learn to always be ready to accept responsibility when we fall. Adam failed to accept that he was responsible for the sin he committed and he blamed it on Eve and Eve blamed it on the serpent. This has continued to be a problem in our time, because people tend to blame their failings and short comings on others and in most cases we blame it on the devil.*_

_When we sin, we lose our relationship with God and we begin to die, because the wages of sin is death,(Romans 6:23), but If we acknowledge that we have failed and sinned, then detest it and confess, we will have the grace and opportunity to find mercy, forgiveness, healing and restoration from the Lord, who has given us opportunity of reconciliation in Christ Jesus._

_*Sin brings us down, but righteousness raises us up. We must detest sin and strive everyday to live a holy life and be like Christ, we must continue to make effort to overcome our weaknesses and do those things that will please God. We must always be quick to acknowledge our failings and take responsibility so that we will be able to receive forgiveness and pardon from the Lord.*_

_If we turn away from our evil ways, we shall live, because God is compassionate and we see it in Jesus who had pity on the people in the gospel reading and made provisions for them to eat something. God is ready to forgive us our sins if we are ready to come to Him and change our ways._

_*Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a splendid weekend. May God forgive us our sins and help us to rise from where we have fallen. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.*_

*Meditation:* Genesis 3:9-24/Psalm 90:2-6,12-13/Mark 8:1-10

*Watch-Word:* Have mercy on us O Lord, for we have sinned.

*God is merciful, but you must acknowledge your sins and be sorry for them and you will receive pardon from Him. Make a good confession today and start afresh.*

(Saturday of the fifth week in the ordinary time. Year I)