(Thursday, May 30, 2019 Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord)
On this Solemnity of Our Lord, we affirm our faith in Christ who "ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father". The Ascension of Christ into heaven is to be understood within the context of the Paschal mystery of Christ. The readings of today, however, give us much food for thought. There is a sharp contrast between hesitation, uncertainty and ignorance of the disciples and the confidence and certainty portrayed by Jesus’ message. His message shows the power and irresistible plan of God unfolding before the disciples. One contrast is found in the disciples’ ignorance when Jesus tells them that he is about to be taken away from them.
The disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” They have completely missed the point of Jesus’ mission and the whole purpose of what Jesus came to accomplish. Having been with Jesus for three years, they still think that Jesus came to liberate Israel from the Romans. That is not why Jesus came into the world. We must not think of the ascension in terms of Christ going up and away from us and from the world, in purely scientific physical terms. That was the mistake the disciples made.
That image of disciples looking up to heaven as if all hope is lost by the Ascension of Christ is indeed an image of where we often find ourselves in our understanding of Jesus’ mission and consequently the mission of the Church. Often times we forget what Jesus told His disciples. Jesus advised His disciples “not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father…” In other words, do not leave on our own; on our own human plans.
This also implies returning to basics, listening to God and waiting patiently for God’s word, His voice through the Holy Spirit; returning to Jerusalem and waiting in discernment for God’s instruction, His power through the Holy Spirit. In the language of faith, the ascension means "the entry" of Jesus into the complete and definitive communion with the Father. Jesus Christ enters into the fullness of the Father's glory and makes it possible for those who belong to his Body, the Church, to follow. Indeed, Jesus' entry into the presence of the Father makes it possible for his Church to wait in prayer and reflective discernment for the gift of the Holy Spirit who is God's continual presence with us. Even now, the risen Lord is ever active in the Church as she engages in its mission of reconciliation, forgiveness and transformation of this world under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, who "has put all things under his feet".
Today by his Ascension, God is making a wonderful promise to us — that where Jesus goes, we can go. Heaven can be our home, the end of our journey. If we follow Him on earth, the path that we follow will lead us to heaven. This is the promise of today’s celebration, the Ascension. But, as we know, the Ascension is not the end of the story of Jesus. His work on earth is finished, but the work of His Church has just begun. And the Church's work, my dear brothers and sisters, is our work — your work and mine. Jesus is ascending into heaven today — and he is sending us out into the world. In the first reading today, we heard his last words to his disciples — “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem …and to the ends of the earth.”
Those were His last words to His disciples — and they are His “first words” to us. The Church’s mission started with the disciples in Jerusalem, and this mission continues with us today. Ascension makes it possible for us to be in communion with Christ and through Christ with the Trinitarian communion. It makes it possible to be touched by Christ; to be strengthened by the gift of the Spirit that He gives. Jesus Christ, having entered heaven once again, intercedes constantly for us for the power of the Holy Spirit which is very essential to the life of faith in Christ. Jesus said, "Nevertheless I tell you the truth: It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I don't go away the Holy Spirit won't come to you. But If I go, I will send him to you", (John 16:7). Jesus has not promised to restore to us our health, family, relationships, work, fortunes and finances according to our own times, ways, thoughts, plans and desires but in God's time. Meanwhile, He has promised us the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can courageously preach His gospel to others and make them His disciples Let us today, therefore, earnestly pray for ourselves and our Church that we may be blessed with all joy and peace in believing in the ascension of the Lord and continue to seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit - the fear of God, piety, knowledge, fortitude, counsel, understanding and wisdom.
Let Us Pray: Lord Jesus, as we celebrate the Solemnity of your ascension into heaven, give us the grace to stay focused in our mission of proclaiming your name. Amen.