Today, we celebrate the memorial of saint Joseph the worker. It is a day all over the world we celebrate workers in all sectors of our world for the effort they are putting in to make the world a better place. St. Joseph is the patron of all workers because he valued work while he was alive and he worked hard in his carpentry trade to take care of Jesus and our Mother Mary and he taught Jesus to be hardworking also.

God gave man the power to increase and multiply and to have dominion over all the other creatures. This simply means that we were given by God the things that will help us to succeed in this life if we really work hard. Success comes from hardwork, therefore, if you intend to be successful, you must be ready to soil your hards in the positive way and God will definitely bless the work of your hands.

There is dignity in labour and when we do our work well, we are not only taking care of ourselves, but more importantly we will be making the world a better place. If you do your work well, you will be able to eat and take care of your family and other responsibilities you will have.

Blessings come from God, and if we intend to make progress in the things we do we must acknowledge Him in our lives and pray everyday that He be with us in all we do so that we will succeed. Always remember, that, if the Lord does not build the house, in vain does its builders labour. Pray as if everything depends on God, but work hard as if everything depends on you. God has done his part, by creating you and blessing you, then do your part by working hard and you will be successful.

Laziness can kill and it should never be encouraged in all spheres of our lives. Do not be lazy, try and start doing something no matter how little it may be and by God's grace that little will turn to many someday. Do not fold your hands and be waiting for manna to fall from the sky. Remember, nothing good comes easy and an idle mind is the devils workshop.

We all have a role to play to make our world a better place. The government, the workers both in public and private sector should step up their game in doing the needful. The workers should be paid what is due to them and they will in turn put in their best in their work and everything will go well. However, this is not the case because sometimes both the government and workers are fail in fulfilling their responsibilities for the common good.

May saint Joseph whom we celebrate today inspire us to take our work seriously and also may he intercede for us and obtain for us the grace to be committed and diligent in doing our work so that in the end we will be proud of what we have achieved.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a splendid day. May Jesus continue to bless the work of your hands for fruitfulness. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Genesis 1:26-2:3/Psalm 90:2-4,12-14,16/Matthew 13:54-58

Watch-Word: God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply!

Every good work you do will come to pay you back someday. Be positive and keep working hard and you will be successful. Do not be a bad worker, be a good worker and Never Give up!