_"But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and every one’s fetters were unfastened."(Acts 16:25-26)_
_*Persecutions are bound to come to those who follow Jesus and profess His name, but God does not abandon them in their times of trials and difficulties. He comes to the aid of those who put their trust in Him and He delivers them.*_
_In the first reading of today we see how Paul and Silas suffered persecution in the hands of the Philippians, who tore their garments, beat them with rods, inflicted a lot of wounds on them and put them in prison. However, they did not give up but continued to praise God even in their moment of pain and incarceration._
_*They prayed and sang hymns of praise to God and the Lord came to their aid. Their chains were broken and their fetters were unfastened. They did not escape, rather they used the opportunity to proclaim the Good News to the jailer and his household and they came to believe and were baptised and there was joy in their hearts.*_
_We must learn from this story to put our trust in God always. God is always near to those who serve Him with their heart. They may suffer persecutions and also difficult and challenging times may come to them, but God is always with them and will send them help from above._
_*You may be going through a difficult and rough time at this period in your life. You may be experiencing persecution also. Never give up on God. Take your situation to Him in prayer, remain steadfast in your faith and God will come to your aid. The forces that are fighting you can never be greater than our God, therefore, pray with faith, sing praises to God and the Lord will stand for you and give you victory.*_
_We need the Holy Spirit who will give us the strength and grace to remain steadfast and pray with faith to God in our times of pain and persecution. He is the Counsellor and He will give us the the wisdom to continue to look up to God when the storms of life hit us hard._
_*Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a miraculous day. May Jesus set you free from the hands of those who persecute you. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.*_
*Meditation:* Acts 16:22:34/Psalm 138:1-37-8/John 16:5-11
*Watch-Word:* With your right hand you save me, O Lord.
*Our God is mighty to deliver those who put their trust in Him. Do not be afraid, He will help you in your times of need.*
(Tuesday of the sixth week of Easter.)