We are in the world as representatives of God and if we truly believe in Him and know who we are in Christ we must detest sin and strive everyday not to be the reason why others will fall into sin. We must not tempt them or indirectly lead them into sin through our attitude and lifestyle. Instead, it should be our duty to shine as the light that will show them the path to life.

Our duty and responsibility should be to live as the light and to show people the way to Christ through our good works and attitude. We must love holiness, live holy, speak holy. We must discipline our thought, mind and body to do only those things that will honour God and edify our neighbour. We must strive to be like Jesus at all times and in all places.

The mission of Christ was to save us from the power of sin and death. Those who repent and return to Him receive forgiveness. He never intended that anyone will perish except the one who chooses to perish. He is always ready to welcome the sinner, not because He loves sin, but He loves the sinner and wants him or her to be saved. Therefore, if we love God as we profess to do everyday, we must strive not to be sinful in our words and deeds and make effort also not to lead people into sin or participate in their sinful act directly or indirectly.

We have a role to play in making the world a better place. We must help the weak to stay strong. We must love righteousness and uprightness and we must put our trust in the Lord always so as to be like Him to all men and women in our world. We must never allow our body to be enslaved to sin and whenever we come in contact with those who have sinned or offended us, we must show them mercy so as to win their souls back to God, but we must also detest their sin and evil deeds. We must also be ready and willing to ask for forgiveness from those we have offended.

We should avoid causing a scandal that will make others who look up to us to fall away from the Lord. We must watch what we say and do at all times so as not to make someone fall into sin. However, if someone who offends us comes and asks for forgivenes, we must forgive as the Lord forgives us. Our standard of forgiveness should flow from that of Jesus who inspite of all that was done to Him forgave those who killed Him. If we forgive others, God will forgive us, but if we refuse to forgive them, we will block ourselves from receiving forgiveness from Him.

Every action we posit has a corresponding consequence that flows from it, therefore, before you act, make sure that what you will do or say will help others to be close to God and not lead them away from Him. If this is not applied in what we do we will end up being culpable to whatever sin that may arise through our actions.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a blessed New Week. May God give you the grace to live a holy life and may your words and actions inspire others to live holy too. Amen. *And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Wisdom 1:1-7/Psalm 139:1-10/Luke 17:1-6

Watch-Word: Lead me Lord in the path of righteousness!

When you live a good life, you will inspire others to follow in your footsteps and the world will be a better place for us all.

(Monday of the 32nd week in the Ordinary Time, Year 1)