There is no doubt that our life here on earth is a battle between light and darkness. God made us from the beginning to be the light, but the devil fights everyday to make us to be darkness. We must live for God here on earth and when our mission is finished we shall return to Him for we belong to Him.

For those who believe and put their trust in God, their service to Him here on earth will never be in vain. At the end of their life they will return to the Lord and no torment will touch them. In the eyes of the foolish their death seems to be affliction, but they are at peace, because they will be rewarded with immortality.

We can face challenges in this life as we serve God. We can suffer persecutions and injustice in the hands of the unjust. We can be in lack sometimes, we can be sick and sometimes we can fail. However, if we persevere in our faith commitment and give our best and all in God's service here on earth, we shall be rewarded with eternal life in His kingdom.

We may not be recognized or honoured here on earth, our sacrifices may never be noticed or acknowledged, People may look down on us and do everything within their power to get rid of us, but if we remain focused and keep shinning as the light, we shall come to see God face to face in heaven and He will wipe away all our tears and our joy will be restored to the full.

Our responsibility is to continue to love God and to do everything within our power to live as children of the light. We must keep moving forward no matter the challenges we face. We must obey God and serve Him with our whole heart and in that way we shall prepare ourselves for the reward that will come to us when our earthly existence comes to an end.

Today we celebrate the memorial of saint Josaphat bishop and martyr. He laboured so much to win souls for Christ through his preaching which was often done with abstinence and mortification. He gave his life for the sake of Christ and today he has become an inspiration for us to emulate. Let us learn from him to be devoted to our work for Christ and humanity and be rest assured that heaven awaits us.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a wonderful day. May Jesus give us the grace to serve Him well here on earth in the people so that we shall receive eternal reward of heaven when we die. Amen. *And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Wisdom 2:23-3:9/Psalm 34:2-3,16-19/Luke 17:7-10

Watch-Word: If a man loves me, he will keep my word, says the Lord; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him.

Never stop serving the Lord, for your reward will definitely come. God will repay you for every good you do in His name.