Jesus tells us today in the gospel reading that if we are going to enter into the kingdom of heaven we must step up our effort to follow Him. Our righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees and Scribes. This means that we must go beyond mere external observance of the law of the Lord to attract the praise of the people, instead we should let the law transform us so that we do not take anything for granted.

If we are going to make deep and wonderful progress in the practice of our spirituality and faith, we must let the Holy Spirit dwell in us and guide us to obey God's law and also to be in good terms with our brothers and sisters.

We must strive always to work for peace and to live in peace with our brothers and sisters. In this way we shall show that we love God and we belong to Him. We must make effort to reconcile with one another before we will be able to offer the Lord a sacrifice that will be acceptable before Him.

We cannot claim that we love God and we worship Him, while we are gradually killing one another by our words and wicked actions. We must live exemplary lives that will reflect who we are in Christ. Our Spirituality must be deep, authentic and sincere and with that we can win souls into God's kingdom.

We are to represent Christ as the light of the world and for our representation to be real we must let the Holy Spirit teach us and lead us. We must take our inspiration from Him and try to do what the commandment of the Lord says not just for obedience sake, but with the conviction that it will help us to obtain the reward of eternal life in the last day.

Today we celebrate the memorial of saint Anthony of Padua. He is a saint through whose intercession God has blessed so many people and granted them what they seek. He was an outstanding preacher of God's word and a lover of the poor. He is the patron saint of the lost and found. Let us emulate his gentleness and humility in following Jesus and in loving one another.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a magnificent day. May God give you the grace to love Him more by loving your neighbour as yourself. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.*_ Meditation: 2 Corinthians 3:15-4:1,3-6/Psalm 85:9-14/Matthew 5:20-26

Watch-Word: First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

Our spirituality should reflect who we are in Christ. People must come to know Christ through our actions.