Our primary duty as disciples of Jesus is to proclaim the Good News and let the world experience the light of Christ through our witnessing. What we are going to proclaim is what is given to us and we must be not deviate from it.

Since the aim is to proclaim God's kingdom, we should be ready to support one another in actualising this goal. We must not try to do it alone, but to do our part and let others do their own part and in the end souls will be saved and the glory will be to God. There is no need for competition. Just be yourself and fulfil your God given mission and God will be happy with you.

Paul and Barnabas were separated today in the first reading so that they will fulfill their missions as given to them by God. They assisted each other and they won a lot of souls into God's kingdom. Never let anything stop you from fulfilling your God- given mission here on earth.

 We must be ready at all times to go out and proclaim Christ who is the light of the world. We must spread the message of God's light always. Souls need to be saved, people need to hear the message of salvation and we are the vessels that will carry it out everywhere.

Stay close to Jesus, believe in Him and let Him make use of you to win souls for Him. This is our task and if we intend to enjoy eternal life at the end of time, we must do our best to proclaim Jesus the light of the world without fear.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and go have a wonderful day. May God make use of you to win souls into His kingdom. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Acts 12:24-13:5/Psalm 67:2-3,5-6,8/John 12:44-50

Watch-Word: Proclaim Jesus the light of the world always!

Keep focused and never let anything distract you or stop you from carrying out your God-given mission here on earth.