_I gave you a land on which you had not laboured, and cities which you had not built, and you dwell therein; you eat the fruit of vineyards and olive yards which you did not plant.’(Joshua 24:13)_
_*Most often when we pray, it is usual to forget all that the Lord has done and focus on asking for what he has not done. This way of operation needs a change. We have to make it our character to always thank God for what he has done.*_
_Today and always, we must make it a routine to evaluate where we have come from; where we are at the moment; and where we hope to go. I tell you, it is always amazing when we look at how far God has brought us. Like the psalmist of the day says, truly “His mercy endures for ever.”_
_*In the first reading, Joshua recounted the goodness of the Lord towards the children of Israel. I invite us to do the same. Let us also join the children of Israel in the psalms as they recount the mercies of the Lord. Let us make the song uniquely our own. If we are frank with ourselves, when we review our lives, we will know that it was not by our effort that we pulled through our past.*_
_Receive the word of God, not as the word of men, but, as it truly is, the word of God. (Thessalonians 2:13)_
_*The way to keep on enjoying the blessings of God is to continue to make effort to obey his word. The children of Israel where greatly blessed because they tried to follow the word of God as given by their leader Moses. The word of God is always to our advantage and it is not good to try to bend it. If we do, we may not get all the blessings. Perhaps the Pharisees would not have a problem with divorce if they hard sincerely done all that God announced to Israel through Moses*_
_Today is a good day to recommit to the word of God. Today is a good day to evaluate the goodness of God in our lives. Today is a good day to give thanks for the mercy of the Lord, truly endures. Amen._
_*Good morning blessed child of God. Let your heart be full of joy for the Lord has been good to you. Keep a Smile😊as you do your work today and do have a great day. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen._
*Meditation:* Joshua 24:1–13/Psalm 136:1–3, 16–18, 21–22 and 24/Matthew 19:3–12
*Watch-Word:* His mercy endures forever!
_*Keep doing good and your light will shine brightly and win more souls for Christ.*_
( Friday of the nineteenth week in the ordinary time.)
*© Rev. Fr. Augutine Eleke*