Today we celebrate the memorial of the guardian Angels whose responsibility and task it is to keep us safe and lead us on our way. Angel's are heavenly beings who serve God and also minister to us.

Some of them are known in history because of the specific and pronounced roles they played at various times in our salvation history, for example, Saint Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Others are not known, but they exist and do their work whether we are aware of them or not.

Throughout the Scriptures we see how Angels are sent by God to go before the people and lead them especially the people of Israel as they marched to the promised land. He instructed them to listen to him and do all that he tells them to do. If they obey their guardian Angels, they will be victorious over their enemies. We must strive everyday to obey the voice of our guardian angels, because when we obey them we are obeying God whose name is on them and who has given them charge over us to take care of us.

In the gospel reading of today we see the responses that Jesus gave to those who wanted to follow Him. He told them the truth, that before they will be able to follow Him they will have to count what it will cost them to be His disciples. To follow Jesus comes at a cost and only those who are willing to pay the price will be able to walk with him.

In following Jesus we must be ready not to look back anymore, but to act immediately once we are stirred in the spirit to answer His call and invitation. No excuses and procrastination should be allowed or entertained, but to march on forward knowing that the One who has called us to come serve Him will always be with us and will give us the grace to overcome.

The Lord gives His angels charge over us and they are always at our service, therefore if we intend to be true disciples of our Lord Jesus, we must honour our guardian angels and listen to them and obey their instructions as they will always lead us in the right path and help us to achieve our set goals and responsibilities.

Following Jesus is not just milk and honey or bed of roses, but it comes with the cross also. There will be moments of pain, sadness, rejection, betrayal, lack, disappointment and so on, but these things should not make you to look back, rather, you should carry your cross and follow Him and in the end you will find eternal life.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a wonderful day. May God's Angels guide and protect you always and may they win your battle over evil forces. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Nehemiah 2:1-8/Psalm 137:1-6/Luke 9:57-62

Watch-Word: For you has He commanded His angels to keep you in all your ways.

The Lord sends His angels as messengers to us, therefore we too should become angels to those we encounter as we journey through life.

(Tuesday of the 26th Week in the Ordinary Time, Year 1)