In today's vigil mass we gather to celebrate the victory of life over death, light over darkness, good over evil, righteousness over sin. Jesus who was crucified, who died and was buried could not be held bound by the power of the tomb. He conquered death and the devil, He is alive and He is risen, there we must shout ALLELUIA!

It was sin that brought us down. It was sin that made us need the coming of Jesus in order to be redeemed and out of love for sinful humanity He came and gave Himself to be crucified in order for us to be set free from the power of sin and death. If we die with Him, then we shall live with Him and we will also overcome the power of sin and death because we are in Him.

The liturgy of today has four parts. It begins with the service of the light where Jesus is symbolised by the paschal candle as the light of the world. We also have liturgy of the word where we have nine readings that tells the story of God's love in creation, His covenant with man, the fall of man and the redemption of man through the suffering, passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. The third part is the baptism of catechumens and the liturgy of the Holy Eucharist.

We celebrate this night with Joy because it is the high point of our redemption. If Christ had not died and risen, our faith would have been empty. We must rise with Him and begin to live the new life in Him. He will be our hero, we must walk with Him on a daily basis, He will be our model and we must follow His lead for He will never lead us astray.

Jesus is alive forever. This we must believe, this we must witness on a daily basis. We are no longer bound by sin and death, He has set us free through His death and we must become children of light in the world spreading the light of Christ everywhere we go.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you begin this day and as we prepare to celebrate the mother of all vigils when Christ rose from the dead, may we continue in prayer and meditation and may we be ready to rise with the Lord and become goid again. Let the fruits of our lenten practices and observances begin to manifest. And May the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

meditation: Genesis 1:1-2:2/Genesis 22:1-8/Exodus 14:15-15:1/Isaiah 54:5-14/Isaiah 55:1-11/Baruch 3:9-15.32-4:4/Ezekiel 36:16-17,18-20/Romans 6:3-11/Luke 24:1-12

Watch-Word: Jesus Christ is risen, Alleluia! Alleluia!

If we have died with Him, we shall rise with Him. Now is the time to rise and begin to shine out as the light in the world. HAPPY EASTER CELEBRATION TO YOU🙏🏾