The Word of the Lord is alive and active and when God speaks we must be disposed to listen to Him and obey His voice. Knowing the law and what the word of God says is not enough, putting it into practice is a better way to show that we love God.

Our effort everyday should be to do what the Lord wants and to do it in a manner that will be pleasing to Him. However, for us to be able to do God's will we must devote our time to fill our hearts with His word so that it will dwell in us, nourish us and become our daily guide as we strive to live a good life.

If you are finding it difficult to obey God's Word, look up to the example of Jesus and learn from Him. He is the image of the invisible God and the head of the body, the Church. He obeyed the Father and has left us a wonderful example to follow.

For us to go to heaven, we have only one thing to do. We must keep God's commandment by loving God with our whole heart and in the same way love our neighbour as we love ourselves. This is what we see in the gospel where Jesus tells us to emulate the example of the Samaritan who saw the wounded man, had compassion on him and helped him. We must be ready to do like wise if we are going to make God happy and be with Him in heaven.

Following Jesus should not be only in talking but more in our actions. When our hearts are simple and pure we will always choose to do the things that is in accordance with God's law. Our love for others should be sacrificial and true and we must be willing to go the extra mile when it comes to showing Jesus that we love Him.

Your neighbour is anyone who is in need irrespective of where the person comes from, the colour of his skin, the language he speaks and the class he belongs to. Anyone who is in need is your neighbour and by doing good to them you will gain eternal life. Therefore, do not hold anything back when it comes to helping others who are in need for that is the best way to show God that we love Him.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊 as you begin your day and do have a magnificent Sunday of love and peace. May Jesus give your a heart that will love sacrificial. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Deuteronomy 30:10-14/Psalm 69:14,17,30-31,33-34,36-37/Colossians 1:15-20/Luke 10:25-37

Watch-Word: Love of God and love of neighbour is the key to life eternal.

Do not let your busyness stop you from being compassionate to show love to the needy.