No matter what we do in this life, the poor will always be around us and how we treat them will go a long way to show who we are and who we represent. Our attitude in dealing with people will make others to know whether we are Christlike, that is, kind, humane, selfless and loving or we are selfish, greedy and wicked and represent the evil one.

We have been given various gifts by the Lord to be used for His own glory and we must strive everyday to use it wisely, because we must give account of our stewardship at the appointed time. We must use every gift we have to serve God in the people and to please Him, for that is the only way we are going to show that we belong to Him who is very generous to us.

The story in the gospel reading is one that challenges us in many ways to be wise and prudent as we make use of the gift that God has given to us. We must stay focused so that we are not deceived or led into doing the things that will cost us our place in God's kingdom. We must strive to do God's will everyday and that will bring us good and not disaster.

We must spend our energy and time working for the things that will make us holy, godly and kind just as our Lord Jesus is. We must not joke with our spiritual life or take it for granted. If the sons of this world will stay awake and endure various challenges just to make money that does not give permanent joy, then we have no reason not to apply the same amount of doggedness in striving after the things that concerns our soul, for that is where true satisfaction lies.

Use your gifts wisely to build friendship in this life. Yes, it is not a sin to be wealthy, but if you do not use your gift to help the needy, then you are actually the one who is poor. Therefore, if you have, you must spend it for the poor and help them to be better and your action will be pleasing to the Lord and they could also be of help to you someday. For a man's true wealth is not in what he has, but in what he gave away for the good of others who do not have. Jesus praised the shrewdness of the steward, but he does not approve of his actions.

Spend your gift and wealth for a good cause, to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, help those in prison, assist the sick, help widows and orphans, train children in school, empower the helpless and lift people out of poverty and all these people you help will never forget you, for you will always be remembered by them and they are your true friends. The good you do to them will come to pay you back someday.

We are stewards of God's gifts here on earth and whatever you possess is truly not yours, but belongs to all, therefore, use it wisely to please the Lord by helping others so that when you return to Him you will be rewarded like the faithful steward who served the master well.

Finally, we must pray as saint Paul tells us in the second reading of today, for everyone, for kings and those in authority, so that we shall live up to our responsibility and perform our duties well in order not to make people suffer in the society through our inaction.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you begin your day and do have a magnificent Sunday. May Jesus guide you to use your gifts wisely for the good of humanity and for the greater glory of his name. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Amos 8:4-7/Psalm 113:1-2,4-8/1 Timothy 2:1-8/Luke 16:1-13

Watch-Word: Jesus became poor, so that in His poverty we might become rich. Whatever you have is a gift from God and He gave you generously, you must also give generously to those around you who do not have

(25th Sunday in the Ordinary Time, Year C)