When something good happens to you, you will have no other option than to be Joyful and in your joy you will exult the name of the Lord and sing praises to Him. Zechariah witnessed the fulfilment of the promise made to David  as we have in the first reading and He was moved to sing of the mercies of the Lord.

 Zechariah was praising God for wiping away his tears and giving him a special son in his old age even when everyone felt that it is not possible for Him and his wife Elizabeth to give birth to a child. We must learn from him to remain steadfast in following the Lord for with Him all things are possible.

 We have a responsibility to sing of the Lord's mercies and to praise Him always for He is good and faithful. He has done much more than we can ever imagine. He is always there to take care of us and provide for our needs. He forgives us our sins and protects us from evil.

 If you are truthful to yourself, you will definitely look inward and you will find reasons to praise the living God for all He has done for you especially for sending His Son our Lord Jesus Christ to come into the world in human form to bring us salvation.

 When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we will be able to praise God and honour His name. We will be able to use all that the Lord has given to us to worship His name. The presence of the Holy Spirit in us makes the difference. There is need for us to always stay close to the Holy Spirit so that He will help us to praise and worship the Lord.

 Count your blessings and name them one by one and you will be surprised at what the Lord has done for you, then be moved by His goodness to always praise and honour His name.

 Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a wonderful day. May your lips and heart never stop in praising the Lord. Amen. And May the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16/Psalm 89:2-5, 27, 29/ Luke 1:67-79

Watch-Word: The praise of the Lord will be on my lips always

 Do not be ungrateful for the Lord has done so much for you. Praise Him today and more good will come your way.#Praise the Lord Always!