The day is here, the long awaited day. The Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. We longed for it, we prepared for it and we are celebrating it because the Lord has given it to us.

 Jesus Christ is the reason for the season and as the prophet Isaiah said in the first reading of today, we must break forth together into singing for the Lord has comforted His people by sending His only begotten Son to come and redeem fallen humanity.

 The season of Christmas brings joy to our hearts as it did many years ago when Christ was born. He came as the light and life of the world and He  was the Word and message that the Father has given to us.

 Jesus Christ is our salvation from the Father and He came in the form of man identifying with our  human nature and was like us in all things except sin. He emptied Himself and became like us in order to save us and make us to be like God the Father.

 When you rejoice that Jesus is born, you must go a step further to let Him be born in your heart, so that you will be able to share Him others and they will also find salvation in Him.

 We need to believe in Him who is born unto us and who is given to us. We need to receive Him so that we will become His children. We need to get attached to Him and let His light radiate in our hearts and dispel the darkness of our world through our words and actions.

 That Jesus was born for us is a generous giving of Divinity to Humanity and we must learn from that example to be generous in our sharing with others in the name of Christ and to His honour.

 Good morning dearest one. Smile😊and be joyful as you celebrate this beautiful day of commemoration of the Lord's nativity and may Jesus' birth bring you the peace and liberation you desire. Amen. And May the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Isaiah 52:7-10/Psalm 98: 1-6/Hebrews 1:1-6/John 1:1-18

Watch-Word: For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given!

 The celebration of Christmas will mean nothing if you do not put a smile on someone's face through your act of charity in the name of the new born king.#Show more love today by visitation and by gifts!