There is joy in the air not simply because, we won a lottery or gained admission into the university, but more importantly, because unto us a child is born and a Son is given. He is the greatest gift of God to the world. His birth changed history and brought joy and peace to a world that is at the point of destruction.

We are celebrating Christmas, because it is a time when we remember that the promise of the Lord to the world through the prophets of old has come to fulfilment through the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. His birth brought light into the world and dispelled the darkness that has covered the earth.

Jesus is our salvation and we must rejoice that He was born. He was born not for Himself, but for us. From His birth to his death and from his death to his resurrection and ascension into heaven, everything He did was for our own good and the redemption of the world.

Saint Paul in the second reading of today reminds us that we have been saved by Christ not because of our righteous deeds, but by the mercy of God which He has shown to us in Christ Jesus. We must be happy today and always knowing that Jesus came into the world for us and to save us and His birth is something that has brought joy to the whole world.

_Our salvation has come in Christ Jesus, the power of death and sin will no longer torment us, because Jesus has come to set us free. His birth is the best thing that has happened to us and we will continue to enjoy the fruits of His nativity for generations to come._

The Lord needs us to open our heart to Him and welcome Jesus who is born for us. He has come to show us love and we must learn from Him to show love to others. We must share with others the joy of this season and proclaim to the world that Jesus is the reason for the season. Therefore, as you make merry, try as much as you can not to forget why and for whom this day was set aside to celebrate. Give Him the honour and praise He deserves as the Shepherds did in the gospel reading and continue to be an instrument of joy and peace in His hands.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a joyful Christmas celebration. May Jesus Christ who is born for us bless you and give you the grace to persevere in your faith. Amen. *And May the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Isaiah 62:11-12/Psalm 97:1,6,11-12/Titus 3:4-7/Luke 2:15-20

Watch-Word: Behold your salvation has come.

Jesus is born for us and we have been saved by His mercy. You must become Christ to all those who come to you.

(The Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord.)

Merry Christmas to you.