Today we celebrate the feast of the conversion of saint Paul. He was a persecutor turned a preacher of the gospel. His story is one that has continued to show that God's mercy and love is supreme and it could help a sinner to turn around and become a saint.

St. Paul was once a man whose heart was filled with hatred for the Christians and he wanted to destroy them all. He had perfected his plan and was on his way to Damascus when he had that famous encounter with the Lord that changed him forever.

That heart which was filled with hatred for those who profess their faith in Christ, turned to become a heart burning with passion to win souls for Christ. This is only possible through an encounter with Jesus that brings authentic transformation in the life of the person that comes close to Him.

Jesus came to help us turn away from sin and become children of light. When our heart is filled with darkness, we are unable to represent Christ, but if we cooperate with His grace and turn away from darkness, we shall come into His light and we shall let the world see His love through us. We have been called by Christ and we must go into the whole world to proclaim the good news of salvation to all men and women in our world.

A moment of encounter with Jesus changes ones life forever. This encounter happens at different times in our life and if we let God do His work in us we shall be ready to go out and represent Him in whichever capacity He will call us to work for Him.

Open your heart for Jesus today and let Him come and dwell in you. Harden not your heart anymore as He is giving you a new chance to come serve Him. We receive the grace of transformation to a new life in Christ when we let Jesus touch us. Saint Paul was saved by that encounter and we ourselves will be saved too if we say yes to Him today.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊 as you do your work and do have a lovely weekend. May your encounter with Jesus transgorm your life and make you a better Christian. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Acts 22:3-16/9:1-22/Psalm 117:1-2/Mark 16:15-18

Watch-Word: Go into all the world and preach the gospel!

Lord Jesus, help me to encounter you and may I become a worthy instrument to propagate your gospel. Amen.

(Saturday of the Second week in the Ordinary Time, Year II. Feast of the Conversion of saint Paul)