The experience of saint Paul as he narrated it in the first reading of today is something that is similar or almost exact to what we experience daily as followers of Christ. He willed to do good, but he ended up doing the evil he did not desire to do. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak and he saw himself as a wretched man who has been wounded by sin and could not help himself._

However, as he lamented about the pain he felt and the helplessness he experienced, he gave praise and thanks to God the Father who through His Son our Lord Jesus Christ has saved Him from the power of sin and death and brought him into the kingdom of light. He was weak in the flesh, but the grace and mercy of Christ made him strong again and he became victorious and a channel and vessel of proclamation of God's grace and mercy.

The fight against sin and temptation is something that happens on a daily basis and it is a fight we cannot win if we rely on our own power and physical strength. The tension we have in us between choosing to do good or evil happens as a result of our human nature that is wounded by sin, but in Jesus we have been saved and redeemed by His mercy and grace and He continues to help anyone who calls upon His name to overcome.

Sin and weakness of the flesh may have knocked you down and you may be in the state where you feel that there is nothing else that could be done to help you. You must call upon Jesus today, you must look up to him, for He will never let you die, but is ready to help you overcome. You must make honest effort to rely on Him and He will help you become a new creation.

We are saved by His mercy and grace, for none of us will be counted as holy if not by his grace. We could ordinarily be the worst sinner in existence if not for His grace and mercy. Therefore, there is need for us to always make effort to do good and to seek the grace of God to help us grow in holiness so that in the end we shall have opportunity of being admitted into eternal life in heaven.

We cannot help ourselves when we fall into sin, but Jesus can save us. However, we must make sincere effort to desire Him and to love Him. We must surrender ourselves to Him and let Him take care of us. He makes the weak to become strong and anyone who calls upon Him shall be saved. Now is the time to come to Him and be saved, now is the time to cooperate with the grace He has given to us so that we can rise again and fly higher like the eagle in our faith experience. Now is the time to move from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light, because our victory over sin and death comes from Jesus. The power of Jesus' mercy and grace is supreme and can save, trust in Him and he will deliver you and set you free from whatever force of evil that is holding you in bondage.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a wonderful day. May God's grace and mercy continue to save you from the power of sin and death and may your rise above your weakness. Amen. *And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Romans 7:18-25/Psalm 119:66,68,76,77,93,94/Luke 12:54-59

Watch-Word: Show me compassion that I may live.

Sin and weakness of the flesh may have dealt you a great blow, but in Christ Jesus you have been delivered, healed and set free. We are saved by His grace and mercy and not by any merits of ours.

(Friday of the 29th Week in the Ordinary Time, Year 1)