


_"Then they cast him out of the city and stoned him; and the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul. And as they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”(Acts 10:58-59)_

_*Today we celebrate the feast of St. Stephen, the first Marytr. He was one of the deacons filled with the Holy Spirit and with wisdom and chosen by the Apostles to help in the distribution of food to the poor. He did His work diligently and God worked many wonders through him.*_

_One will wonder how, just a day after celebrating the Solemnity of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His coming into the world and still within the octave of Christmas, we will be celebrating the death of a believer, his entrance into eternal life. What connections are there between Stephen's death and Christmas?_

_*The birth of Jesus showed us what true love is, that is, God gave Himself to us in love through His Son and His mission on earth was to come and die for the redemption of man. He was going to die for all sinners and in giving this love, people are going to hate Him and kill Him, but He will still show them love and will not seek revenge against them.*_

_The Christian is a person who believes in the teachings of Christ and lives it out on a daily basis. Anyone who claims to love Jesus must be ready to do what the Lord wants. Jesus has shown us what sacrificial love is through His death on the cross. It is a love that does not seek revenge or pay back evil with evil, instead, it gives more love and offers mercy and forgiveness instead of hate and wickedness._

_*We are rejoicing at the birth of Christ at Christmas, yes, but the Church immediately sets our mind to focus on the true mission of Christ's coming, which is the sacrifice of Himself for us. Anyone who chooses to follow Him, must be ready to go the way of the cross which is the way of love and life.*_

_Just as Jesus warned His disciples in the gospel reading to be prepared to face persecutions in the course of their witnessing for Him, we must learn from the courage of St. Stephen, who in the face of hatred, persecution and death, courageously proclaimed the name of Christ and was ready to give his life for His sake and for the salvation of souls._

_*We must learn from St. Stephen who learnt from our Lord Jesus Christ not to pay back evil with evil, but with love. We must constantly pray for those who persecute us and through our prayers they will come to know Christ as we see in the case of Saul who was there at the stoning of Stephen, but Stephen asked Jesus to forgive them and that prayer will later be fruitful as seen in the conversion of St Paul who will become an apostle of the Gentiles and will give his life also for the sake of Christ.*_

_Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you begin your day and do have a wonderful time as you celebrate Christmas. May the example of St. Stephen who imitated Christ, help you to love your enemies snd pray for those who persecute you rather than pay back evil with evil. Amen. *And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.*_

*Meditation:* Acts 6:8-10;7:54-59/Psalm 31:3-4,6,8,16,17/Matthew 10:17-22

*Watch-Word:* Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my Spirit.

*Christ is love and anyone who is in Him must love others and be ready to die for them as He died for us.*

(Feast of St. Stephen, first Mayrtr.)