Our responsibility is to witness for Christ courageously without fear and He will always defend us in the face of persecution that comes from the hands of those who are not happy when something good is done in His name. We see how Peter and John refused to be cowed to stop proclaiming Christ. They boldly asserted that they will speak in the name of Christ, because that is the right thing to do.

When you refuse to proclaim Jesus because of fear or intimidation, you fail in your responsibility to be His true disciple. There is no need to let anything stop you from proclaiming the name of Jesus. He has commanded us to do that and He will take care of us till the end.

The only mission we have from Jesus is to believe in Him that He is truly risen and then to go out, proclaim His name and let the world know through our words and action that He is alive. The Good News has been shared with us by others and we must play our own part to pass it on to others.

Proclaiming Christ brings liberation and miracles do happen when we speak in His name. However, for our witnessing to yield result, we must let Christ dwell in us and we must let the things we do be the gospel we proclaim. The world need to hear about Jesus and we shall be the channel through which it will happen.

You have no reason why you should not testify about Christ, because everything you are and have is a gift from Him and if He has blessed you as you are, you must tell the world that He is the source of your life and blessings. Ours is to proclaim His name and He will make His words bear fruits in the hearts of those who listen to us.

Do not let any day pass by without you telling someone around you that Jesus is alive and that He can save. No matter what our challenges may be, when we come to Christ we shall find life and His words will transform us. We must believe in Him and He will continue to help us.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a splendid weekend. May Jesus Help you to remain steadfast in proclaiming His name. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Acts 4:13-21/Psalm 118:1,14-21/Mark 16:9-15

Watch-Word: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation!

Never be ashamed to proclaim the name of Jesus, because your proclamation can help to save a soul