_“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it."(Matthew 13:45-46)_

_*A value is a relative worth, utility or importance placed on something, some place or someone. People value different things for different reasons, however, it is always recommended that you can only lay down your life for what is of a higher value and will benefit you immensely.*_

_The lesson of the gospel reading of today is about where we place our value. It is a message on seeing the kingdom of God as what we should value above everyother thing and you can give up everything in this life just to make heaven on the last day._

_*The lesson about the vanity of the things of this life is not something that has sunk into us as it should. Most times we lose consciousness of this truth and we chase after material things as if they are all that matters, forgetting that we came into this world with nothing and we shall return back on the last day with nothing.*_

_In the gospel reading of today the merchant found a pearl of great value, he sold everything he had to acquire it. It shows how he valued what he found. He searched for it and he spent all he had to acquire it. We should learn to value our faith in God, value God's kingdom and then spend all we had by way of commitment to spiritual exercises so as to be with Jesus on the last day in His kingdom._

_*If your value life here on earth, you will love the things of this world more than the maker himself. You will chase after wealth and be concerned about status and ratings, about pleasure and material enticement. You will even kill and destroy others just to achieve your mundane goals.*_

_If you value heaven, you must let go of the attachements of the things of this life and spend your life working to reach there. You must love and don't hate, you must bear no grudges, you must forgive and show kindness to the needy, you must serve with humility and keep doing good everyday. You must pray with trust in God and grow your spirituality. In this way, you will store up treasures for yourself in heaven._

_*Do not kill yourself for anything in this life, because they are all passing away. Try your best to stay happy and live your life to the full. Always remember that you are in the world, but not of the world. (John 17:15). Strive everyday to seek heaven above earth, (Romans 12:2) do not let the earth swallow you with all it offers, do not lose focus, because no matter happens, to make the choice to seek the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness (Matthew 6:33)will always be the best decision you will make in this life.*_

_Good morning dearest one. Smile as you do your work and do have a magnificent day. May Jesus give you the grace to value and seek heaven above earth. Amen. *And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.*_

*Meditation:* Jeremiah 15:10,16-21/Psalm 59:2-4,10-11,17-18/Matthew 13:44-46

*Watch-Word:* God is my refuge in the day of my distress.

*Seek the Lord with all your heart, love Him above all things of this life and He will take care of you and deliver you from all your troubles as He did for Jeremiah .*

(Wednesday of the seventeenth week in the ordinary time. Year II)

*© Rev. Fr. Augustine Eleke*