_“What do you think? A man had two sons; and he went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ And he answered, ‘I will not’; but afterward he repented and went. And he went to the second and said the same; and he answered, ‘I go, sir,’ but did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father."(Matthew 21:28-31)_

_*A failure to do the right thing at the right time will always cause pain in your heart when you carry out an assessment of the circumstances and realize that you have made a mistake that resulted in that failure. However, if you can rise and make amends, you could still redeem yourself.*_

_In the first reading of today, the people of Israel were complaining while in exile that they were suffering as a result of the sins of their parents. But the prophet Ezekiel reminded them that God's ways are just and if they will acknowledge their fallings are repent of their sins, they will be forgiven._

_*In the second reading of today St. Paul admonishes us to avoid unnecessary competition, but to be humble and help each other to be the best we can be. Jesus in humility obeyed the Father and it brought Him glory, honour and exaltation in the end. He has also become an example for us in that regard. Therefore, if we learn from Him we can be the best and we could help others to be the best.*_

_In the gospel reading of today, Jesus tells us this parable that teaches us of the need to be obedient to the Father and to do His will always. The two sons, represents us in the way we relate to God. The first said he will not go and work in the vineyard, but later changed his mind and did what was right, but the other said he will go, but later he ended up not going._

_*We must aim to always do what is right in obedience to the Father who has called us to follow Him. If you make a profession to follow Jesus, you must strive to put into practice what Jesus teaches so that your Christianity will not end up being a lip service.*_

_Our profession and practice of the faith must synergise in such a way that there will be no need for people to question whether we really belong to God. We must strive to always do the right thing even if we have drifted and wandered away for a long time. Once you realise that you have not been on the right track, waste no time, change while you still have time and God will be happy with you._

_*We must also learn from the gospel not to be promise and fail believers. You promise God to be faithful, but you end up being unfaithful. Promises can never be substituted for performance and powerful words or rhetoric’s and oratory can never be a replacement for good deeds. The two must balance together if we are going to make a meaningful and positive impact in people.*_

_The first son spoke with courtesy and respect to the father, but his subsequent behaviour shows that his initial words were not really meant, but just to get away from his father's presence. You can easily spoil a good thing by the way you act. Our obedience to God should be graciously given and that will make us find acceptance in His presence._

_*If you find out that you have not done well in the assignment that you have been given by God, make amends and change while you still have time. Settle that quarrel with your neighbour, parents, brothers, sisters, friends and so on, before it gets out of control. Make that apology now, turn a new leaf and become better while you still have the time and you will be saved.*_

*Study Luke 15:11-32(The parable of the prodigal son) Full Conversion is a process and a journey and we must keep working towards it until the end of our life. Everyday is a good day and opportunity to change and become a better person.*

_Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you begin your day and do have a blessed Sunday. May Jesus give you the grace to change while you can so that you can become a better person. Amen. *And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.*_

*Meditation:* Ezekiel 18:25:38/Psalm 25:4-9/Philippians 2:1-11/Matthew 21:28-32

*Watch-Word:* Remember your compassion, O Lord.

*Change now while you can, do not leave it until it will be impossible for you to change.*

(Twenty Sixth Sunday in the Ordinary Time. Cycle A)