Saint Paul tells us in the first reading of today that we are no longer strangers and sojourners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets and our Lord Jesus Christ is the corner stone. This is true by virtue of our baptism and if we understand this, we are going to make the resolve to bear fruits for Him who has called us to Himself.

We belong to God and He has chosen us to go out and bear fruits for Him, we must strive everyday to remain connected to Him and grow in holiness. We must represent Him well and it is our duty and responsibility to show the world who He is in words and deeds and souls will come to be saved through our ministry and witnessing.

Today we are celebrating the feast of the apostles Simon and Jude. They were called by Jesus after He has spent a great time in prayer as we have it recorded in gospel reading of today. They were called and chosen by Jesus so that they will become His collaborators in the work of evangelization and winning souls for the kingdom. They did not disappoint in this task, but spent their lives proclaiming Jesus and also gave their lives for Him. Simon is the patron saint of wood cutters, while Jude is the patron saint of lost causes.

Both Simon and Jude are members of the body of Christ and God's choice of them was not a mistake, but they were chosen for a specific task which they have performed creditably well and today the Church celebrates them. They were chosen not because they were qualified, but because Jesus has need for them and He is the one who qualifies whoever He calls.

We belong to God and as such we must be ready at all times to represent Him who has chosen us. We must witness for Him everywhere in order to win souls into His kingdom. We only need to hold unto the teachings we have received from Christ through the apostles and make sure that we also teach the truth as it has been handed over to us.

All this will be possible if we create a quality time to stay close to Jesus in prayers and to learn from Him. We have no other work as Christians, but to proclaim the name of Jesus at all times and in all places in words and deeds, and to do this we must be ready to pay the supreme prize of martyrdom just as the apostles whom we are celebrating today did. Christ has chosen us and we belong to Him, therefore, go out and bear good fruits for Him and your reward is assured in heaven.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a blessed new week. May God's grace be with you so that you can witness for Him with your life. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Ephesians 2:19-22/Psalm 19:2-5/Luke 6:12-19

Watch-Word: Their sound goes forth through all the earth

To belong to Jesus is to be His ambassador. Therefore, live up to your calling and God will be pleased with you.*_

(Monday of the 30th Week in the Ordinary Time, Year C)