Prayer is what we do everyday as Christians, because Jesus in the Scriptures taught us to pray and also shows us through His constant communication with His Father through prayer of its efficacy. Therefore, if you are a follower of Christ and you do not love prayer or you do not pray as you should, then something is wrong and it must be identified and fixed so that you can enjoy the benefits that comes with praying well.

Prayer is like the rain that makes the seed that is planted in the soil to grow and produce fruits. If the rain does not fill up the soil well, the seeds will not produce well and there will be wastage of seeds and effort spent in planting them.

Jesus instructs His disciples in the gospel reading of today to pray in the right way so that their prayers will be answered. Prayer is not about saying too many words to impress God and others around us, but it is about lifting up our heart and mind to Him in such a way that even when we do not open our mouth to speak, our heart will have a deep communication and communion with Him.

To pray well, we must acknowledge God as our loving Father who provides for all that we need. We must give praise and honour to His name and strive everyday to do His will here on earth as it is done in heaven. We must depend on Him because He will always be sufficient for us and is able to take care of us.

In order for our prayers to be answered we must make sure that we bear no grudges in our heart for anyone. We must forgive those who have offended us so that we shall also receive forgiveness from God when we offend Him.

There is power in prayer especially when it is offered in the manner that Jesus has instructed us to pray. Take that your situation to God in prayer and I assure you that He will do something about it for you. If you have not started praying, please do, if you are lazy with your prayer life, please change and improve. If you must pray, make sure you have faith in God and and let His will be done in your life. Never use prayer as an excuse not to work hard and fulfill your responsibility in this life.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a wonderful day. May Your prayers find acceptance in God's sight and may He answer you when you call upon His name. Amen. *And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Isaiah 55:10-11/Psalm 34:4-7,16-19/Matthew 6:7-15

Watch-Word: The word that goes forth from my mouth shall not return to me empty.

Pray always with faith and God will answer you. There is power in prayer and the person who prays well will always overcome.

(Tuesday of the First Week of Lent.)