A WORD FOR TODAY 30th July 2018

A WORD FOR TODAY 30th July 2018

A WORD FOR TODAY 30th July 2018

Our journey of following Jesus is not something you decide when to follow and when to withdraw. If you decide to follow Him there is no going back.

God wants us to stay and stand by Him always, but most times we get distracted by the things of this life and drift away into frivolities and when that happens we can never bear the needed fruit for Him.

We are like a seed planted on the soil of the earth and if we stay with Jesus always we will grow to become the salt of the earth and the light of the world, that is to say, that people will come to us and through us will come to know who Jesus is.

God is available and He is ready to walk with us if we are ready to walk with Him. We should not forget God or ignore His promptings in our lives. We should always learn from Him and then teach others about Him. God should be our hope, strength, joy, peace, success e.t.c for apart from Him we can do nothing.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊and do have a splendid day and new week ahead. May you stand by God and push the level of your commitment and attachment to Him to a level where you will no longer be a disappointment to Him but His pride and jewel of inestimable value. Amen. And May the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Meditation: Jeremiah 13:1-11/Deuterenomy 32:18-21/Matthew 13: 31-35

Watch-Word: Walk with God and Stand By Him!

A little discipline on our part will help us to leave the way of the world and attach ourselves to the way of Christ in a consistent manner