The readings of this eighteenth Sunday in the ordinary time reminds us of the need to set our priorities right and to know, focus and seek the things that matter. This is the only way we can be happy here on earth and in heaven. In the first reading we hear Qoheleth the author of the book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that Vanity of vanities, all is Vanity.

This statement is one that will always stare us in the face when we let avarice and greed possess us and we try to acquire more than we need in life and lose focus of the things that matter which will bring us true happiness. We may end up having the whole earth at our disposal, but we will still be empty and sad.

This statement does not mean that we should not labour or toil and work hard, instead we must never focus on the things of this life and forget about the things of heaven. We must not focus on material possession and forget God who is the source every good gift. We must live in this world as pilgrims who came with nothing and will return back to God with nothing except for what we have achieved in terms of goodness or evil with the gifts and time He has given to us.

Saint Paul admonishes us to seek the things that are in heaven. Our thoughts should no longer focus on the material things of life, because they do not last and will not endure. The life we live must be new and characterised by love of God and love of our neighbour. Everything that is not of God must not be allowed to dwell in us. Greed, impurity, immorality, wickedness and so on must be expunged from our lives.

Jesus tells us in the gospel reading to beware of greed and avarice, because a man's life is not made secure by what he owns. We can have all the wealth in this world and still be poor in the sight of God. We must focus more on the eternal inheritance which we shall possess in the kingdom of God at the last day. Be selfless in your attitude and behaviour, strive to have only what is needed at everytime, detach yourself from the things of this life, focus more on the things of heaven and be generous with the gifts you have.

Selfishness, greed and avarice will make you to want to have more even when you have enough already, and yet you will be unwilling to spare a little from what you have to do good to others. The rich fool never saw beyond himself and this world, he was fascinated by what he has acquired and wanted to acquire more without making plan on how to give out.

We must not become proud and feel that we are the source of everything we have. God is the source and we must never forget Him or remove Him from our lives. It will be better for us to take care of our soul and work hard to live a good and holy life, devoid of any attachment to the material things of this life. Do not worship money or earthly possessions, instead use them to do good here on earth and prepare for yourself treasures in heaven. Do not hoard what God has given to you, share with others and you will have the best treasures that will not make you shed tears at the end of time when you shall leave this earth and all you have acquired and return back to your creator.

Good morning dearest one Smile😊as you begin your day and do have a blessed Sunday. May God's grace help you to seek Him first above everyother thing and may His blessings be upon you always. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Ecclesiastes 1:2,2:21-23/Psalm 90:3-6,12-14,17/Colossians 3:1-5,9-11/Luke 12:13-21

Watch-Word: Vanity of vanities. All is Vanity.

Never let your crave to acquire wealth, stop you from seeking God first who will give you the best gifts that will make you happy in the end.