_"Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?"(Luke 14:27-28)_

*Who is a wise man*

_*A wise man or woman is the person who before he or she embarks on a journey or desires to carry out a project, first, takes time to plan and see that he has all it takes to make progress and complete the task once it is started. He does not just speak for the sake of speaking or play to the gallery, but makes a move only when she is convinced that she has everything she needs to execute and be successful.*_

*Success has a Route*

_In order for you to be successful in whatever task you have set out to do, you must follow a rule and strive not to deviate from it. You must follow that path even if it is painful, because you know that it is the only true and authentic pathway to success._

*Cost of Discipleship*

_*In the gospel reading of today, Jesus reminds us of the price we are to pay if we are going to follow Him. His words may look harsh and inhuman, but it is nothing but the truth. If we are going to follow Him, we must detach ourselves from anything or anyone, including family and friends that may try to be an obstacle on our path to loving Him with our heart and obeying His command.*_

*Be loyal to Jesus*

_The cost to be a disciple of Jesus is a serious one that may even take your life, but if you give up everything for His sake, you must be rest assured to receive it a hundred fold at the end of time in His kingdom. If we make our mind to follow Jesus, then our loyalty to Him must be total. No one can take His place in our lives and the love we have for Him must be superior and supreme to any affection we show to anyother person or anything around us._

*Take up your cross and follow Jesus*

_*To be a disciple of Jesus you must be ready to follow the principle He has laid down for us. You must deny yourself, you must take up your cross and follow Him daily. There will always be a price to pay and it comes with the cross. There will never be a true followership without the cross, because if you cannot accept the cross, then it will be extremely difficult for you to say that you belong to Christ.*_

*Pay the price now and gain later*

_Following Jesus here on earth is not going to be all cosy and rosy. He was heading to Jerusalem when He spoke to the people, He knew what was awaiting Him and He did not hesitate to let His disciples know that the same fate awaits them if they choose to walk in His ways. Therefore, if you follow Jesus, you must be ready to pay the full price of disipleship, otherwise, you will remain just a follower._

*Choose Jesus Over all*

_*Hating your father, mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters as stated by Jesus is not something we take literally, it simply means that our love for Him can never be compared to what we show to anyother person in this life. When any of these persons become an obstacle to our faith in Him, we must definitely choose Him over them. This is what makes you a real disciple and not just a follower.*_

*No Cross, No Crown*

_Therefore, as a wise person, before you start to follow Christ, you must count the cost, but the cross in it must not deter you, instead, accept it with Joy and walk with Jesus who will stand with you until you reach your final destination. If you truly love Jesus, you must be ready to die for Him as He died for you. Self-denial, self renunciation, self-detachment and constant sacrificial living are the principle that will make us good disciples for Christ and in the end we will be rewarded with eternal life. Before your glory and honour will come, you must pass through the crucibles of the cross, for without the cross, there will be no crown._

_*Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you begin your day and do have a beautiful Sunday. May Jesus give you the grace to always choose Him over the material things of this life. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.*_

*Meditation:* Wisdom 9:13-18/Psalm 90:3-6,12-14,17/Philemon 9-10,12-17/Luke 14:25-33

*Watch-Word:* Whoever that does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

*Jesus has shown us the way to follow, if we walk with Him, we will be with Him on the last day. Stick to His way, for there is no other better way out there.*

(Twenty-third Sunday in the ordinary time. Cycle C)

*© Rev. Fr. Augustine Eleke*