_"I, Tobit, walked in the ways of truth and righteousness all the days of my life, and I performed many acts of charity to my brethren and countrymen who went with me into the land of the Assyrians, to Nin′eveh."(Tobit 1:3)_
_*To do good is something that is required of anyone who follows the way of God and anyone who does it will definitely be rewarded by God.*_
_To do good requires commitment and sacrifice. To consistently do it, you must build yourself up in goodness and you must have the spirit of accomodation and willingness to share the little you have with those who do not have._
_*In the first reading of today we see how Tobit showed the character of a good man. He came home and was about to eat dinner, but seeing the amount of food he was to eat, he told his son Tobias to go and look for poor people around so they can share in his meal. This is simply the behaviour of someone who is moved by empathy and consideration for the welfare of the needy.*_
_We must learn from Tobit to be compassionate and kind. To strive to be of help to the poor and needy ones around us and help them as much as we can. When you share your meal with the hungry, you will never go hungry, your joy will be full, God will be pleased and you will give yourself access to more blessings from the Lord._
_*He performed the corporal works of mercy of feeding the hungry and burying the dead. He sacrificed his comfort in order to do this good for the people. He is grateful to God for the opportunity and he did it with love and without any bitterness or grudge in his heart.*_
_We must continue to do good and be kind to the needy. We must share with those who do not have. We must wipe away tears from the eyes of those who are broken, we must help those who have fallen to rise, we must go the extra mile to add value to people’s lives and move them from a place of shame to a place of honour through our act of kindness. We must put aside pride and greed like the pharisees and sibmit our heart to Jesus so that He will make use of us to touch lives positively in this world._
_*Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a great day and a blessed new week. May Jesus give you the grace to be compassionate and kind to the needy. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.*_
*Meditation:* Tobit 1:3,2:1-8/Psalm 112:1-6/Mark 12:1-12
*Watch-Word:* Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
_*God has blessed us and we must be ready to share His blessings with those around us.*_
(Monday of the Ninth week in ordinary time. Memorial of St. Boniface.)
*© Rev. Fr. Augustine Eleke*