"And he called his disciples to him, and said to them, Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For they all contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living.”(Mark 12:43-44)

St. Paul in the first reading of today stated that he has fought the good fight of faith, have finished the race and kept the faith, he is now waiting for the crown of salvation which the Lord will give to him. This simply means that he gave his all to God in terms of his work of evangelization. He spent his life proclaiming Christ and also suffered for the sake of the gospel.

Anyone who truly wants to win God's admiration and praise must be ready to give his best and his all in what he or she does. If you are not ready to give your best and your all, it will be very difficult for you to please the Lord. This is the reason saint Paul admonished Timothy not to fail to proclaim the Good News in season and out of season and to teach the truth always. In a world where many are easily moved by fake and false messages than the truth, we are encouraged to continue to teach the truth and be disposed to listen to only the truth at all times._

In the gospel reading of today we see Jesus praise the poor widow who gave a penny as her offering. He said that the widow has put in more than all those contributing to the treasury. The rest contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put everything she had, her whole living.

This is simply sacrificial giving, because she gave everything without reservation. She gave her all to God knowing that God will bless her and give her more than she has given. Her giving was an act of total trust and dependence on God who will take care of her at all times. This is the attitude we must hold when we are giving to God. You can give God your time, your wealth, your energy without reservation, because He loves a generous giver and will also reward you for your good works in the end.

Spend your time and yourself for God now here on earth. Give your best and your all to Him. Do not hold anything back when it comes to giving to support God's work, because He is the owner of the vineyard and will reward you when the time comes. What matters in the sight of God is not how much we give, but how well we give what we give. God is not moved by the externals but by the interior disposition of the heart.

In proclaiming Christ do not tell people what they want to hear, instead tell them what Jesus wants them to hear. Be sound in your teaching and always have recourse to the teaching office of the Church for the sound interpretation of the word of God and the deposit of faith either from the Sacred Scripture or Tradition.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a magnificent weekend. May Jesus give you the grace to spend yourself for Him here on earth so as to win the crown of eternal life in heaven. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: 2 Timothy 4:1-8/Psalm 71:8-9,14-17,22/Mark 12:38-44

Watch-Word: Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.

Never give to win people's admiration, rather give to win God's admiration and His ovation for you will be louder and meaningful than what the people will give to you.

(Saturday of the 9th week in the ordinary time. Year II)