"When Jesus had this spoken, he was troubled in spirit, and testified, Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me. The disciples looked at one another, uncertain of whom he spoke." (John 13:21-22)

It is always a painful experience when you are betrayed by people you trusted or your close associates. It is like being stabbed in the back with a sharp knife. Some may not be able to get over it and recover.

The gospel reading of today presents us with two different scenarios involving two persons who have worked closely with Jesus, Judas Iscariot and Peter. One betrayed Jesus and the other denied Him. Both actions are sinful but the gravity are not the same. For Judas, his sin was calculated and pre-meditated and all effort by Jesus to show Him love so he could not do what he has planned could not yield any result, but Peter's denial of Jesus was simply not a calculated attempt, but a fall as a result of weakness of his will._

Betrayal could happen when we let our heart become dark and filled with evil thoughts and intent. When we let our desire and quest to get rich or change our level, occupy our thoughts more than our desire to be loyal to God who has called us to follow Him and serve Him in this life we will definitely betray Him.

God has shown us tremendous love by sending His Son to come and die for us and anytime we sin, we betray this love and make Him unhappy. We must strive to remain loyal to Him who has loved us more than any other person on earth could love us.

Where lies your loyalty? To God who created you out of love and also redeemed you in love through His Son when you have fallen into sin or to the created things of life which are transient and cannot give you any authentic assurance and guarantee to eternal life. Have you been betrayed before or you have betrayed someone, now is the time to try to fix what the act has destroyed so that healing could occur.

_Increase your disposition to love Jesus above other things of this life and you will not betray Him. Strive everyday to let His love conquer you and work hard to stay strong so that the evil one will not twist your mind to disobey Him who will save you. Incase you fall and betray Jesus through sin, rise up immediately, be contrite and ask Him for mercy and He will forgive you and make use of you for greater works in the future as He did with Peter.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a splendid day. May Jesus give you the grace to remain loyal to Him and may you overcome every temptation that will lead you to betray Him or someone who has done nothing but show you love. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Isaiah 49:1-6/Psalm 71:1-6,15,17/John 13:21-33,36-38

Watch-Word: My mouth will tell of your salvation Lord.

It is painful when you are betrayed, but it is more painful when it comes from your friend whom you have suffered so much to make happy

(Tuesday of the Holy Week. Cycle A)