The story in the first reading of today is one that encourages us not to give up no matter the challenge that may be before us. If we give up in life we will never achieve anything. We must be optimistic and courageous like Caleb who saw the challenge they will encounter if they want to possess the land of Canaan, but did not give up in marching forward to possess the land because they knew that God is with them and that the land is already given to them, but they only need to do their part by marching forward as instructed by God.

The men saw the land as good, but because of fear they tried to dissuade the people from making any effort to possess what is theirs already. This attitude proved very costly because it made the Lord to punish them. They have the mandate to possess the land, but they were afraid to go in and take it because of fear. Fear can make you die even before what will kill you will get to you.

They saw the challenge as big, but failed to see that they have a God who is bigger than their problem. Whenever you focus on your challenge without God, you will become afraid and will fail to see the greatness of God. This will make you to be conquered by that challenge and you will become a failure. Always be optimistic and keep moving forward for God will always help those who put their trust in Him and persevere.

At various times in our lives we encounter different types of challenges and obstacles that stand before us and the blessings and favours that God has given to us. If we run away or give up because of fear, we will never conquer, but if we stand our ground and push forward in God's name we shall overcome the obstacles and possess our possessions of divine blessings.

The Canaanite woman in the gospel reading of today received what she prayed for because of her great faith and perseverance. She faced various obstacles in the presence of Jesus, but she refused to give up. She held the Lord with faith and her wish was granted.

Do not just pray for the sake of praying, do it with faith and persistence and you will be able to pray through. When the going gets tough, never give up, but keep pushing until you push through, because those who quit because of fear can never be winners.

Whatever life throws at you, whatever challenge you may be passing through at this moment: health, finance, marriage, work, school, business, spiritual and so on. Hold unto God firmly, believe in His Word and keep marching forward for the Lord will give you victory if you believe.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a wonderful day. May God fight your battle and may you possess your possession. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Numbers 13:1-2,25-14:1,26-29,34-35/Psalm 106:6-7,13-14,21-23/Matthew 15:21-28

Watch-Word: Woman, you have great faith. Let your wish be granted.

Pessimists never see a way out of a problem, but optimists do, therefore be positive and believe that the challenge you face will not conquer you, but you will overcome them by the power of God. Simply play your part by moving on and marching on and leave the rest for God.