The beauty of love is not that we show love to God, but that God first loved us and showed us an example through His actions of what true love is, therefore we must be inspired by God's show of love to us through the gift of his Son our Lord Jesus Christ and in the same way love others as He has loved us.

Love is the identity mark of anyone who claims to be a friend or child of God, because God is love. Therefore, if you say you believe in God, you will show it in action through how you treat others, because you cannot claim to love God whom you have not seen when you cannot give a little helping hand to your fellow human being whom you see on a daily basis.*_

Jesus came into the world because of love and He gave His life on the cross out of love. He redeemed us in love and we are beneficiaries of that love which has continued to flow from Him to us. We must honour and love Him by loving our neighbour, especially by being compassionate to those in need.

This is what Jesus teaches in the gospel reading of today. He had compassion on the crowd. He fed their soul, but He was also concerned about their physical need. What the disciples presented by way of five loaves and two fish cannot go anywhere to feed them, but Jesus blessed their little with love and there was surplus and left over after they ate to their satisfaction.

Let God's love for you move you to be compassionate, because there can be no love without sacrificial giving. It must cost you something to give others joy and make them happy. Be selfless and not selfish. Share your little with those who do not have and God will turn it to many. If you continue to worry about how insufficient your food or money is, you will never be able to feed the hungry and help the poor.

When our giving does not flow from compassion and love it will amount to mere show and playing to the gallery and definitely such giving does not attract any reward from God. Give from you heart always, share with others what you have and you will be the best for God.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a blessed day. May God provide for you and may you be a helper to the needy who will come to you. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: 1 John 4:7-10/Psalm 72:1-4,7-8/Mark 6:34-44

Watch-Word: He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.

Giving with love brings divine reward, but a gift without love will bring no good to the giver. Be selfless and sacrificial as you share your gifts with others and God will bless you.

(Tuesday After the Epiphany, Year A)