The first reasing of today is about Jonah and his mission to Niniveh. When the the Lord told him to go and warn the people against the impending disaster that will befall them if they do not repent, he decided not to go for the mission and ran away. He felt he could hide from the lord, but the Lord found him out and made him to carry out the task that was set for him.

God in His nature was giving the people opportunity to repent so as not to perish, buy Jonah probably was not happy for God's action. He would have loved that they were allowed to perish, but this is not who God is. He loves us and He gives us time to turn away from our evil ways and live. He forgives our trespasses if we repent and return back to Him.

If we truly love God we must be willing and ready to do what He commands us to do. It will be for our own good that we let God make use of us as He wish. Refusing to do God's will amounts to disobedience and that will always count against us. Although Jonah was running away from his responsibility, the Lord in His mercy and love saved him and sent him to where he wants him to go.

Jesus tells us in the gospel reading what it will take for us to inherit eternal life. First we must love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength, then we will also love our neighbour as we love ourselves. This is the commandment, and it is summed up in love. Therefore, we cannot claim to love God if we disobey him and refuse to do what he asks us to do. Again we cannot claim to love Him, if we fail to love our neighbour. It is by loving our neighbour who we see everyday that we will be able to show that we truly love God who we cannot see.

We are all sinners and have fallen short of God's glory and if the Lord should mark our guilt, none of us will stand before Him. However, in His love and mercy He has saved us through the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, therefore, as He has shown us love and mercy, so shall we show love and mercy to others and help them to reconcile with God.

We must be ready to help others no matter where they come from and even when they had brought trouble upon themselves. Our neighbour is anyone who is in need. We must show them love as God shows us love on a daily basis. We must be sensitive to the plight of others. If our compassion and love to the needy must be real, it must go beyond mere pity and sympathy to have a practical deeds of love and charity extended to them. Never stand aloof when you see the suffering and pain of others, do something practical to help them and you be like Jesus who has loved us and came and died for our sake on the cross.

Today we celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. It is a feast that reminds us of the efficacy of the Rosary which Our Lady gave to us. The battle of Lepanto in 1571 was won through the intercession of Our Lady as the people prayed the Rosary. Let us pick up our Rosary today and pray it more for our good and that of others who may be in need of our help. Honour Our Mother Mary by praying the Rosary and by living a good life and she will help you with her maternal intercession and obtain for you from her Son what you desire.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a blessed New Week. May God's love which you experience everyday move you to love others as He has loved you. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Jonah 1:1-17;2:1,10/Jonah 2:2-4,7/Luke 10:25-37

Watch-Word: A new commandment I give to you, says the Lord, that you love one another, even as I have loved you._

If you find it difficult to let go of what you have for the good of others, you cannot be a true disciple of Jesus. You have received love and mercy from the Lord and you are bound to show the same to others.

(Monday of the 27th Week in the Ordinary Time, Year 1)