As we continue in our advent preparation for the coming of the Son of man. The readings of today reminds us once again who Jesus is and what His mission on earth was all about. He did not just come for a jamboree, rather, He came to show the world who God is and what He expects from us. The Spirit of the Lord is upon Him and He is the prince of peace who will judge the world not by human standard and sentiment, but by righteousness.

The prophet Isaiah tells us that the Lord would establish peace like never before. We will live in a kingdom where no one will be a threat to another and everyone will live in peace. Love will reign and the people will seek the Lord with their whole heart. The king that Isaiah spoke about is our Lord Jesus Christ and His birth will bring all this prophecy to fulfilment.

Saint Paul in the second reading of today from his letter to the Romans encourages us to live in harmony with one another and to help each other to find God's mercy just as Christ has welcomed us and shown us mercy in such a way that we now have access to God the Father.

The gospel reading presents us with the core theme of this sunday, that is, a call to repentance. John the Baptist came before Christ as His forerunner and he is "the voice of the one crying in the wildernes: prepare the way of the Lord, make his path straight" His mission was to show the people what to do in order to welcome Christ who was coming. We are called to repentance, because it is only by repentance that we shall find our freedom. We can never be free if we fail to turn away from evil and do good. Sin enslaves us and if we fail to to repent, confess and seek the face of God, we may be lost.

When we fail to repent of our sins we stifle our opportunity to grow and be fruitful for God. God has created us to be fruitful for Him and we must stay holy if we wish to live up to our calling as God's children. This season of Advent is a time to clean up ourselves as we get ready to welcome Jesus into our heart.

We must hear the voice of the Lord calling us to repentance and we must make amends and change our ways so that we can be free to serve our God. When we repent and begin to do good, the Spirit of Jesus will come to dwell in us and we will now have the moral authority and strength to lead others to Christ through our good works.

True repentance is the key to finding joy and peace in this life. We must turn around from evil and seek only the things that promote good and bring glory to the name of the Lord. We must come to Jesus and untie ourselves from the bonds of sin so that He will make us a new people worthy of His kingdom. Do not harden your heart anymore, rise, come back to the Lord, for He is waiting to welcome you back. Repent today and you will find eternal life in Him.

Good morning dearest one. Smile 😊as you begin this day and do have a blessed Sunday. May God move your heart to seek Him and may you find mercy and forgiveness as you come before His presence. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Meditation: Isaiah 11:1-10/Psalm 72:1-2,7-8,12-13,17/Romans 15:4-9/Matthew 3:1-12

Watch-Word: Prepare the way of the Lord: make his path straight.

No matter how grave your sins are, God's mercy is infinite. Rise, repent and return to Him and you will find mercy and forgiveness.

(Second Sunday of Advent, Year A)