When you focus on doing good, keep doing it irrespective of what people say or how they feel about it. Definitely not everyone will be happy with you or the work you do, but if God is happy, then that is all that matters.

Jesus was doing good and setting people free from captivity, but the pharisees were not happy with what He was doing and started a campaign to smear His name, reputation and integrity before the people. However, this did not stop Jesus from doing what He has been sent to do. He kept on doing His work and never looked back.

This should be our attitude everyday. So long as we have accepted the invitation to follow Jesus, there is no going back. You must keep doing your work no matter the rejection, persecution or criticism you receive in the hands of people. Keep doing good and let your goodness speak for you before God and the people. If God is happy with you, no amount of detraction can pull you down.

We need God in our lives in order to be blessed and healed. We see how Jacob wrestled with God in the first reading. At the end of that experience he humbled Himself and submitted to God and he was blessed. We need to submit to God always and let Him reign in our hearts. When God is the master of our lives we shall be fruitful.

God is still touching lives, but we must make ourselves available to be touched by Him so that He can also use us to touch others. The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the labourers are few. We need to pray for more vocations to the priestly and religious life and also to the family life. There are so many souls to be saved and Jesus is looking up to us to play our own part in this regard.

Hold unto God today with faith and the miracle you seek will definitely come because God will be never fail or abandon those who put their trust in Him. Keep doing good and do not let what people say or how they treat you stop you from helping those in need. Jesus is still healing and setting people free from sickness and bondage, come to Him today and let Him touch you and your life will never be the same again.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a wonderful day. May God's blessings come upon you and may the good you do bring you heavenly reward. Amen. And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Genesis 32:22-32/Psalm 17:1-3,6-8,15/Matthew 9:32-38

Watch-Word: The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.

To work for God, you must possess the right spirit and attitude. It is all about selfless service to God and humanity. Stay focused always.