The conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch and the corresponding baptism He received was as a result of God's love which manifested when Philip gave heed to the instruction of the Holy Spirit and he became a guide that helped the eunuch to come to know who God is.

This encounter teaches us that those who earnestly desire and seek the Lord will find Him and when they find Him they will be nourished and satisfied. The man desired to know God through His Word and when he was instructed by Philip he came to understand what he was reading before but had no clue about what it means.

When we open our heart to seek our Lord Jesus Christ in the Scriptures and at the table of the Eucharist we will find Him and He will nourish our soul and give us life eternal. Jesus is the bread of life and he who comes to Him will not hunger and he who believes in Him will never thirst.

God speaks to us everyday and if we do not listen to Him and be led by the Holy Spirit we may not be able to carry out the task He has set out for us to fulfill. Philip listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit, obeyed it and he became a channel through which a soul was saved. God can use you to assist others if you will listen to Him and make yourself available through obedience.

What you offer to people matters, it can help them find salvation or it could make them lose blessings of God. We must be instruments in God's hand and we must let God make use of us to bring his lost children back to the sheepfold. The Church as a mother is playing her role as the teacher and we must always listen to the Church and do what she teaches us, because she cannot lead us astray since she has the mandate from Christ to teach.

In working for God and letting Him make use of us, availability and willingness to God's will is the key. This will help us to allow ourselves to guided by the Holy Spirit and we shall in turn become a guide to any soul that seeks to know the Lord.

Good morning dearest one. Smile😊as you do your work and do have a splendid day. May Jesus use you to win more souls into His kingdom. Amen. *And may the Almighty God bless you: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Meditation: Acts 8:26-40/Psalm 66:8-9,16-17,19/John 6:44-51

Watch-Word: No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.

If you make yourself available for God, He will make use of you to help others and in helping them you will be helping yourself.